139 research outputs found

    Practical cryptographic strategies in the post-quantum era

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    We review new frontiers in information security technologies in communications and distributed storage technologies with the use of classical, quantum, hybrid classical-quantum, and post-quantum cryptography. We analyze the current state-of-the-art, critical characteristics, development trends, and limitations of these techniques for application in enterprise information protection systems. An approach concerning the selection of practical encryption technologies for enterprises with branched communication networks is introduced.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; review pape

    Quadratic non-Condon effect in optical spectra of impurity paramagnetic centers in dielectric crystals

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    Analytical expressions for the absorption and luminescence form functions of impurity paramagnetic centers in dielectric crystals at zero temperature are derived in the adiabatic approximation taking into account the quadratic non-Condon effect. It is proved that, if the optical transition is forbidden due to symmetry selection rules, the non-Condon absorption and luminescence spectra are not mirror symmetric and can contain a zero-phonon line, contrary to the case of linear non-Condon effect. Conditions under which the zero-phonon line is contained in the optical spectra of a symmetry-forbidden transition are determined

    Nonadiabatic effects in the 4f 1-5d 1 absorption spectrum of a LiYF4:Ce3+ crystal

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    We have modeled the 4f 1-5d 1 absorption spectrum of a LiYF4:Ce3+ crystal at zero temperature using a microscopic model of the electron-phonon interaction and the real spectrum of LiYF4 lattice vibrations. Effects caused by mixing of the wave functions of different states of the 5d 1 excited configuration of the Ce3+ ion, which is induced by the electron-phonon interaction, are considered based on the calculations of the second-, third-, and fourth-order exact moments of curvature of the spectrum envelope. We have shown that the large value of the splitting between the maxima of the bands in the absorption spectrum that correspond to transitions to the third and fourth 5d 1 levels is a result of the nonadiabatic interaction of 5d electrons with lattice vibrations. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Quantum-secured blockchain

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    Blockchain is a distributed database which is cryptographically protected against malicious modifications. While promising for a wide range of applications, current blockchain platforms rely on digital signatures, which are vulnerable to attacks by means of quantum computers. The same, albeit to a lesser extent, applies to cryptographic hash functions that are used in preparing new blocks, so parties with access to quantum computation would have unfair advantage in procuring mining rewards. Here we propose a possible solution to the quantum era blockchain challenge and report an experimental realization of a quantum-safe blockchain platform that utilizes quantum key distribution across an urban fiber network for information-theoretically secure authentication. These results address important questions about realizability and scalability of quantum-safe blockchains for commercial and governmental applications.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; published versio

    Application of reverse engineering in the production of individual dental abutments.

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. The purpose of the research is to develop a method of manufacturing individual dental abutments for a variety of dental implants. System of industrial X-ray microtomography Phoenix V|tome|X S 240 has been applied for creation of highly accurate model of the dental abutment. Scanning of dental abutment and the optimization of model was produced. The program of milling the individual abutment with a standard conical neck of hexagon was produced for the five-axis milling machine imes - icore 450i from the materials titanium and zirconium oxide

    Development of mathematical model for study of electromagnetic compatibility of the frequency-controlled electric drive with the power supply and electric motor.

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    В статье рассматривается задача построения математической модели для исследования электромагнитной совместимости частотно-регулируемого электропривода с питающей сетью и двигателем. Модель строится на основе элементов из библиотеки SimPowerSystems приложения Simulink пакета MATLAB. Приводятся примеры результатов моделирования и оценки электромагнитной совместимости.The article discusses the еtask of constructing a mathematical model for study of electromagnetic compatibility of frequency-controlled electric drive with the power supply and electric motor. The model is based on elements from the SimPowerSystems Library of MATLAB Simulink application. Examples of the simulation results of and estimation of electromagnetic compatibility are shown

    Assessment of the efficiency of the local application of hemostatic drug Geprocel in the treatment of patients with deep burns

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    The work is based on the analysis of the treatment results of 35 patients with burn trauma (10 women and 25 men) aged 15 to 55 years who were treated in the burn department of Republican Scientific Centre of Urgent Medical Aid (RSCUMA) between 2017 and 2018. In this study, we report on the use of the hemostatic preparation Geprocel with an autodermoplasty on a wound after necroectomy with subsequent autodermoplasty in all cases contributed to the complete healing of donor sites for 7 days, and the complete engraftment of the skin autotransplant with full recovery of the defect by 12 days after surgery. This preliminary data suggests the potential role of Geprocel in the clinical management of burn treatment.The work is based on the analysis of the treatment results of 35 patients with burn trauma (10 women and 25 men) aged 15 to 55 years who were treated in the burn department of Republican Scientific Centre of Urgent Medical Aid (RSCUMA) between 2017 and 2018. In this study, we report on the use of the hemostatic preparation Geprocel with an autodermoplasty on a wound after necroectomy with subsequent autodermoplasty in all cases contributed to the complete healing of donor sites for 7 days, and the complete engraftment of the skin autotransplant with full recovery of the defect by 12 days after surgery. This preliminary data suggests the potential role of Geprocel in the clinical management of burn treatment

    Organization of dispensary observation of children with chronic dermatosis in Ufa

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    Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue are common pathology in the world. Up to 7% of the population suffers from them according to various studies. Over the past ten years the incidence of dermatoses in the Russian Federation decreased by 16% and prevalence of dermatoses decreases by 8%, but it remains quite high. One of the main methods of reducing the incidence is the implementation of preventive direction in medical organizations, which is carried out by dispensary observation of the population. The aim of the study was to study the organization of dispensary observation of children with chronic dermatoses. Materials and methods: the incidence of the most common chronic dermatoses of children in Ufa for the period 2013-2017, indicators of dispensary observation according to the summary report (FSN № 12) 'Information on the number of diseases registered in patients living in the area of service of the medical organization" and annual reports of the Republican Dermato-Venereological Clinic № 1 in Ufa for 2013-2017 were studied. Results. The results of the study showed that in Ufa the proportion of children with chronic dermatoses, registered at the dispensary observation among all children suffering from diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, increased by 46.4% for five years (from 16.5% in 2013 up to 30.8% in 2017). There is insufficient dispensary observation coverage of children with some nosologies: psoriasis - 54.6% (coverage decrease for five years by 23.4%), eczema - 6.5% (decrease by 10.1% ), scleroderma - 52.6% (decrease by 36.8% ). The positive dynamics of the indicator was observed in 2017 in children suffering from atopic dermatitis - 39.7% (a coverage increase for five years by 55.1% ), neurodermatitis - 44.2% (an increase of 2.3 times), vitiligo-5 6 .8 % (an increase of 3.1% ). Outpatient treatment covered 21.9% of children enrolled in dispensary observation in 2017. Analysis of dispensary observation indicators of children with chronic dermatoses in Ufa showed the need to improve and justify effective methods of medical care and disease prevention. A deeper identification and study of risk factors for chronic dermatoses in children will allow the development and implementation of measures to improve medical care for patients.Болезни кожи и подкожной клетчатки (БК и ПК) являются распространенной патологией в мире, по данным разных исследований, ими страдает до 7% населения. В Российский Федерации за последние десять лет общая заболеваемость дерматозами снизилась на 16%, первичная - на 8%, однако она остается достаточно высокой. Одним их основных методов снижения заболеваемости является реализация профилактического направления в медицинских организациях, которая осуществляется путем диспансерного наблюдения населения. Целью исследования стало изучение организации диспансерного наблюдения детей с хроническими дерматозами. Материалы и методы: Изучены первичная заболеваемость детей г. Уфы за период 2013-2017гг. наиболее распространёнными хроническими дерматозами, показатели диспансерного наблюдения по данным сводного отчета ФСН №12 «Сведения о числе заболеваний, зарегистрированных у пациентов, проживающих в районе обслуживания медицинской организации» и ежегодных отчетов ГАУЗ РКВД №1 по г. Уфа за 2013-2017 гг. Результаты. Результаты исследования показали, что в г. Уфе доля детей с хроническими дерматозами, состоящих на диспансерном учете среди всех детей, страдающих БК и ПК, за пять лет увеличилась на 46,4% (с 16,5% в 2013г. до 30,8% в 2017 г.). По отдельным нозологиям отмечается недостаточный охват диспансерным наблюдением детей: с псориазом - 54,6% (снижение показателя за пять лет на 23,4%), экземой - 6,5% (снижение на 10,1 %), склеродермией - 52,6% (снижение на 36,8%). Положительная динамика показателя в 2017г. отмечена у детей, страдающих атопическим дерматитом, - 39,7% (увеличение показателя за пять лет на 55,1 %), нейродермитом - 44,2% (увеличение в 2,3 раза), витилиго 56,8% (увеличение на 3,1%). Амбулаторным лечением охвачены 21,9% детей, состоящих на диспансерном учете в 2017г. Анализ уровня показателей диспансерного наблюдения детей с хроническими дерматозами в г. Уфе показал необходимость совершенствования и обоснования эффективных методов организации медицинской помощи и профилактики заболеваний. Более глубокое выявление и изучение факторов риска развития хронических дерматозов у детей позволит разработать и внедрить мероприятия по совершенствованию медицинской помощи пациентам